17 05, 2018

Good news for people with HIV poster

By |2018-05-21T12:46:35+03:0017.05.2018|News, Материалы|0 Comments

We would like to present you our new poster in support of people with HIV who were recently diagnosed. It is called “Good news for people with HIV”. The poster contains separate blocks of information about differents aspects, for example, about a fact that effective treatment exists, people don’t die of HIV anymore, a lifespan is not limited by HIV, HIV

19 09, 2016

Hepatitis C treatment: recommendations 2016

By |2017-06-06T14:36:46+03:0019.09.2016|News, Материалы|1 Comment

The ITPCru team and SEVT Ltd. have developed a chart “Hepatitis C treatment: recommendations 2016” which includes the recent recommendations for interferon-free treatment of HCV-monoinfected (EASL 2016) and HCV/HIV coinfected patients (EACS 2016). The chart also contains updated tables with all approved direct-acting antiviral drugs, as well as information about drug-drug interactions (HCV/HIV drugs).

15 09, 2016

ARV drug chart 2016

By |2016-09-20T13:22:17+03:0015.09.2016|News, Материалы|0 Comments

ITPCru has updated the ARV drug chart. The chart contains of the new ARVs approved by FDA and EMA, has updated information about daily dosage and treatment regimen, as well as treatment recommendations according to WHO 2016 guidelines.